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We get you. We understand your fascination with tennis. We think tennis is the greatest sport to learn, play, watch and think about. Our favorite albeit quirky description of tennis comes courtesy of Atlas Obscura:

Tennis, as it is played today, is an unusual, slightly deranged sport. Singles players (at the major tournaments, at least) are completely alone. They walk out in front of huge crowds, all by themselves. They have to carry their own equipment, their own water bottles full of mysterious colored liquids, their own bananas. They are not permitted to communicate with coaches in any way (though it’s generally acknowledged that illegal coaching, like hand signals from the stands, is common). In singles, there aren’t any teammates to talk to or lean on. Matches are not timed, and in some tournaments, they can theoretically go on for hours and hours. And these are not amateurs playing for fun and wine casks, they’re world-class athletes who’ve spent their entire lives training mentally and physically to balance speed and power, stamina and precision, instinct and planning. This all combines to make tennis a psychotically destructive sport. “The good news is, you have space to concentrate. The bad news is, you have space to concentrate,” says Drucker. Players have visible breakdowns, hitting themselves with their racquets, destroying equipment, screaming at themselves in unhinged, self-directed monologues, or engaging in deeply personal tirades with officials. No other sport is like this so regularly. It makes for a tense, sometimes uncomfortable, extremely entertaining viewing experience.

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